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Duke Computer Science Associate Professor Alberto Bartesaghi and colleagues Tamir Bendory of Tel Aviv University and Princeton University's Amit Singer published an article "Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy: Mathematical Theory, Computational Challenges, and Opportunities" in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine that is featured on the cover page. Congratulations! read more about Alberto Bartesaghi and colleagues publish article in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine »

Duke's Computer Science and Linguistics departments have joined forces to create a new interdepartmental major. Students can choose one of two defined pathways, focusing on cognitive neurolinguistics or sociolinguistics, preparing for future careers in a wide variety of fields. This new major is one of only three such programs in the U.S. read more about Duke CS+Linguistics Major Opens New Pathways »

Distinguished from research proposals originating in 26 countries and more than 100 universities worldwide, Lisa Wu Wills' project "Accelerating and Deploying Natural Language Processing Systems in Data Centers" placed Duke in the top 10 Facebook award winners for most prestigious universities for architecture and systems research. Wills plans to explore how accelerated NLP systems can help with drug discovery and more. read more about Lisa Wu Wills, Duke's Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of CS/ECE selected for the Systems for ML Facebook Research Award »

Duke Computer Science Professor Vince Conitzer is a meritorious prize winner of the National Science Foundation (NSF) 2026 Idea Machine competition for his grand challenge "Theory of Conscious Experience." While Conitzer's idea was identified as "exciting, ambitious, creative, and highly interdisciplinary" and his team won a $10K prize, the real win is the opportunity to promote the progress of science by helping NSF identify new areas of research. Congratulations! read more about Vince Conitzer wins NSF 2026 Idea Machine Meritorious Prize »

Professor Emeritus of Computer Science and former Department Chair Donald Loveland was among seven Duke University faculty to be named Fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Loveland was recognized for distinguished contributions to the field of automated deduction and development of the model elimination theorem-proving procedure. read more about Professor Emeritus Donald Loveland Named AAAS Fellow »

Four Duke Computer Science students received awards from the Computing Research Association (CRA) for Outstanding Undergraduate Research in 2020. Finalists: Caroline L. Wang, Rohith Kuditipudi, and Sachit Menon. Liang "Charles" Lyu received an Honorable Mention. Congratulations! read more about Duke CS Students Win CRA Outstanding Undergraduate Research Awards for 2020 »

Vince Conitzer, University Professor of New Technologies and Professor of Computer Science, Economics, and Philosophy has been named an ACM Fellow for his contributions to game theory, social choice theory, and mechanism design. Conitzer joins a select group of the top 1% of 2019 ACM professional members recognized for far-reaching accomplishments that define the digital age. ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, is the world's largest educational and scientific computing society. read more about Vince Conitzer Named ACM Fellow »

In this BBC interview on privacy issues, 3D scanning and mobile phones, Cynthia Rudin explains why bird identification was the perfect model to test and check computers’ abilities to make decisions about image classification, helping reduce mistakes by AI in medical imaging (begins at 22:33). read more about Duke Computer Science Professor Cynthia Rudin's BBC interview on AI »

Duke CS Alumnus Kevin Zheng was named a Schwarzman Scholar, and will pursue a master's degree in AI in China. Just 4 additional Duke students were chosen for this prestigious honor. As an undergrad, Zheng served as an EMT and then co-founded Optiml, which uses AI to detect eye diseases. Zheng's long-term goal is to develop equitable health care technologies through global collaboration. Congratulations! read more about Kevin Zheng, Trinity '19 Biology/Computer Science Double Major named a Schwarzman Scholar »

"We’re looking to train next-generation computer scientists who can really make their impact felt across society: visionary individuals who are energized by thinking about the broad implications of computing." Jun Yang, PhD Associate Chair, Professor of Computer Science When you choose Duke Computer Science, you’re not only joining one of the top 25 computer science programs in the country – you’re also joining Duke University, one of the world’s leading academic institutions, with premier programs across a wide… read more about Undergraduate Programs: The Duke Difference »

Tom Gallie, Professor Emeritus of Computer Science, passed away recently. Joining Duke as a Math Research Instructor in 1954 and then becoming a Professor, he helped to develop a computer science program in the Math Department in the 1960s, and also built a student computing facility. He led the creation of the Duke Computer Science Program in 1971 and became its Director. A founding member of the Duke Computer Science department in 1972, he served in multiple roles, including Interim Chair before retiring from Duke in 1989. read more about In Memoriam: Tom Gallie, Duke Computer Science Professor Emeritus »

Duke Computer Science Professor John Reif and a student research team recently published an article in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS) about a new cancer-detecting tool which uses tiny circuits made of DNA to identify cancer cells by the molecular signatures on their surface. This innovation provides researchers with the hope that their work could improve diagnosis, or give cancer therapies better aim. read more about Groundbreaking research at Duke Computer Science: Tiny devices made of DNA can detect cancer with fewer false alarms »

Hosted by Dr. Kristin Stephens-Martinez at Duke University's Computer Science Department, this new podcast series focuses on the best teaching practices for computer science. Featuring engaging and compelling discussions on teaching with computer science educators as guests, we'll learn how they teach and manage their classrooms, their research and more. read more about CS-Ed Podcast: NEW! Duke Computer Science Education Podcast Series »

This article profiles Adolfo Rodriguez, who was an adjunct professor after getting his PhD from Duke in CS, and then worked at IBM as a distinguished engineer and CTO of connectivity and integration. He also worked at Citrix prior to Advance Auto Parts (AAP), where he is the senior vice president of IT transformation. Rodriguez is also actively involved in athletics and music through his family, coaching his daugher's soccer team, and playing in a band for charity. read more about Duke CS PhD Alum Adolfo Rodriguez's tech career at IBM, Citrix and Advance Auto Parts »

Amit Bagga talks about his career journey from Duke Comp Sci PhD student to Vice President of AI & Discovery at Comcast in this Duke Graduate School interview. Among other benefits of a Duke education, he enjoyed the diversity, flexibility and freedom to explore programs and specialties before deciding on a topic for his PhD. Bagga's management skills like effective communication, trust, and empowerment were modeled by his advisor and former Duke computer science department chair, Alan Biermann. read more about Alumni Profile: Amit Bagga »

Duke Computer Science Professors Ben Lee, Kamesh Munagala, and Jun Yang were selected as ACM Distinguished Members for outstanding scientific contributions to computing. Landon Cox, former Duke Computer Science Professor now at Microsoft, was also selected. Congratulations to all on this well deserved recognition for "accomplishments that have contributed to technologies that underpin how we live, work and play." read more about Ben Lee, Kamesh Munagala, Jun Yang and Landon Cox named ACM Distinguished Members »

Graduate student awards for 2018-2019 were presented at the 2019 annual departmental meeting. Congratulations to the recipients: Outstanding PhD Dissertation Brandon Fain Advisor: Kamesh Munagala Algorithms for Public Decision Making Outstanding PhD Prelim Exam Yuan Deng Advisor: Vincent Conitzer Dynamic Mechanism Design in Complex Environments Outstanding RIP Award Zhengjie Miao Advisor: Sudeepa Roy Explaining… read more about Grad Student Awards 2018-2019 »

Computer science is the most popular major at Duke, with 734 undergrad students majoring in it. Also, 1,746 undergrad and 376 grad students are enrolled in comp sci courses. What is the student experience like? The Duke Chronicle reports that even with some packed lectures, students appreciate new options like expanded course offerings, online resources, and TA-led review sessions. read more about How computer science students feel about Duke’s most popular major »

Phitonex, Inc., a startup co-founded by Duke Computer Science Professor Alvin Lebeck with former Duke research colleagues Chris Dwyer and Craig LaBoda, recently announced that it received a $2M seed round mainly from private investors. Phitonex's groundbreaking new platform provides unmatched cell population resolution to drive enhanced biological insight. Congrats on this significant accomplishment! read more about Duke Comp Sci Startup Phitonex Announces $2M Seed Funding »

Duke Computer Science professors Jun Yang and Ashwin Machanavajjhala are collaborating with Lavanya Vasudevan from Duke Community and Family Medicine and Global Health and also a multi-institution, multi-disciplinary research team in an NSF ~$1M project award to help combat misinformation. read more about Ashwin Machanavajjhala and Jun Yang collaborate with research team in $1M NSF Program Award to Combat Misinformation »

Several Duke Computer Science faculty members redesigned their courses and learned from each other's teaching experiences during a Duke Learning Innovation session this summer. Faculty participants explored research-supported, interactive teaching practices and innovative ideas around facilitating group work, holding students to seven programming steps, and helping them to think through problems. read more about Duke CS Faculty Meet with Duke Learning Innovation to Design Courses »

Published in the Oct. 2019 Communications of the ACM (CACM), the new review article "Protein Design by Provable Algorithms" by Bruce Donald and Mark Hallen explores designing synthetic proteins to suit our biomedical and industrial needs by using mathematically provable algorithms such as those included in OSPREY, the Donald Laboratory’s open-source suite of molecular design software. read more about New "Protein Design by Provable Algorithms" Article by Bruce Donald and Mark Hallen Published in the Communications of the ACM »

A Duke University team led by professor of statistical science, mathematics and computer science Sayan Mukherjee won a $1.5 million dollar grant, making Duke a National Science Foundation center for data/statistical science. Co-principal investigators include professors Cynthia Rudin, Robert Calderbank, Jianfeng Lu, and Rong Ge. read more about Duke Computer Science Researchers Win $1.5M NSF Award »

A banner year for Rong Ge, Duke University Assistant Professor of Computer Science, in 2019 he has received both a Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and a Sloan Research Fellowship. The CAREER program is a Foundation-wide activity that offers NSF’s most prestigious awards in support of junior faculty who exemplify the role of teacher-scholars through outstanding research, excellent education and the integration of education and research within the… read more about Rong Ge Receives 2019 NSF Career Award and Sloan Fellowship »

Kartik Nayak, an expert in security, applied cryptography, distributed computing, and blockchains joined the Duke Computer Science faculty as an assistant professor this fall. A newly minted PhD, Nayak is focused on answering two distinct but related questions: How can we preserve the privacy of our data while still allowing computation on it? How can multiple mutually distrusting parties achieve consensus on a value (or a sequence of values) efficiently? Regarding the first issue, Nayak provides a simple example. “… read more about New Faculty: Cybersecurity Expert Kartik Nayak Joins Duke Computer Science »

Welcome to Lisa Wu Wills, Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Solving computing problems that can arise with today’s big-data analytics, Wills is an expert in the interdisciplinary research of computer architecture and health care. ------ Lisa Wu Wills likes a challenge, especially when it comes to solving the computing problems that can arise with today’s big-data analytics. An expert in computer… read more about New Faculty: Lisa Wu Wills adds expertise in architecture and application-driven hardware acceleration »

The National Institute of General Medical Sciences of the National Institutes of Health recently awarded Bruce R. Donald, Duke Professor of Computer Science, Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Electrical & Computer Engineering, a grant @ $170K+. The grant is a supplement to buy a GPU-enabled computer cluster for his NIH research project, Deep Topological Sampling of Protein Structures. Congratulations to Dr. Donald. read more about Professor Bruce Donald Receives $170K NIH Award »

Duke Computer Science, Biochemistry, and ECE Associate Professor Alberto Bartesaghi will speak at the premier microscopy education event, Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 Meeting in Portland. Having pushed the resolution of cryoEM protein structure determination during his career, Bartesaghi will present the biological sciences tutorial “X43 Expanding the Computational Toolbox for CryoEM” at M&M 2019. read more about Bartesaghi Presents at Microscopy & Microanalysis 2019 Meeting »