A student who is qualified to graduate with distinction must first apply to the DUS. Accepted candidates then complete a substantial project, suitably documented, or a distinguished paper, which the student defends in an oral examination before a committee of three faculty members.
If you are requesting to graduate with distinction in SPRING 2025...
- Deadline to apply for Graduation with Distinction - Thursday, April 10, 2025
- Last day to hold your presentation (one week before the last day of classes) - Wednesday, April 16, 2025
- Final paper due with changes and edits that were requested by your committee (no later than the last day of classes); must be submitted to dus@cs.duke.edu - Wednesday, April 23, 2025
- Candidates must have a grade point average of 3.0 or higher in Computer Science courses numbered above 200.
- Candidates must complete a project, representing at least one year's work and including at least one independent study, under the guidance of a faculty member in computer science who oversees and endorses the project.
- The project should represent a significant intellectual endeavor including the writing of a report.
- A presentation of the project must be made to a committee of three faculty members, two of whom will normally be from computer science, although for interdisciplinary projects this restriction can be relaxed.
- Graduation with high or highest distinction is awarded at the discretion of a faculty committee in consultation with the Director of Undergraduate Studies.
- Graduation with high or highest distinction is typically awarded for projects that are of publishable quality. Candidates should have a grade point average of 3.5 or higher in those courses related to the area of research; these courses must include at least one course at the 500 level or above.
Written Document to Accompany Presentation
The Document
Graduation with distinction requires a written document to accompany the presentation that is required by Duke.
- The written document must be given (in perhaps a draft form) to the committee prior to the presentation.
- The written document must have a substantial bibliography of related work.
- The document must have a chapter/section on related work.
- The document must convey the results and methodology of the project.
- There are no length requirements, however the document should convey both the depth and breadth of the contributions and project, which must represent at least two semesters of work.
Thesis Example from Previous Semester
The thesis example link below is provided as an example of the style, organization, and content of a report submitted as part of the requirements for graduation with distinction. Other than the guidelines above, your faculty committee will determine the exact requirements of your document. Other reports may differ substantially from the one below.
- Peng Shi. Prediction Mechanisms That Do Not Incentivize Undesirable Actions, Highest Distinction 2010.
Research Posters
You are expected to submit your research to the Annual CS Poster/Project Showcase.
See Guidelines for Research Posters from the Undergraduate Research Support Office.
Apply to graduate with distinction here.
More Info
- University policies regarding Graduation with Distinction Trinity College of Arts and Sciences' information, which also including special cases.
- Awardees: Alumni who Graduated with Distinction Duke Computer Science students who graduated with undergraduate awards and distinction.