Congratulations to all recipients of the 2020 undergraduate student awards!
Friends and colleagues of the late Alex Vasilos donated the Alex Vasilos Memorial Award to the Department of Computer Science to recognize graduating seniors in computer science for excellence in computer science research. This year's recipients:
Family, friends and colleagues of the late Rebecca DeNardis donated the Rebecca DeNardis Memorial Award to the Department of Computer Science to recognize graduating seniors in computer science for excellence in supporting the undergraduate program. This year's recipients:
Graduation with Distinction is awarded to students who complete a substantial project that consists of at least one year's work, including an independent study under the guidance of a faculty member. The project represents a significant intellectual endeavor and requires a presentation made to a committee of three faculty members.
Joseph DeChicchis Advisor: Maria Gorlatova – Semantic Understanding for Augmented Reality and Its Applications
Sachit Menon Advisor: Cynthia Rudin – PULSE: Self-Supervised Photo Upsampling via Latent Space Exploration of Generative Models
Caroline Wang Advisor: Cynthia Rudin – In Pursuit of Interpretable, Fair and Accurate Machine Learning for Criminal Recidivism Prediction
Felicia Chen Advisor: Jun Yang – Understanding the Landscape of Vaccine Misinformation
Belanie Nagiel Advisor: Bruce Maggs – Applications of Triangular Anycast Forwarding
Jacob Chasan Advisor: Benjamin Lee – Market-based Computing Systems
Calvin Ma Advisor: Benjamin Lee – Time Series Analysis for Straggler Prediction