Alumni connections are among the most enduring benefits of a Duke education—opening doors to new contacts, career prospects, and opportunities.
Through the Duke Alumni site, all Duke students have unprecedented access to the alumni network which includes more than 100,000 profiles of Duke alumni around the world. This means you can easily find alumni, reach out to make introductions, and explore career options.
For tips on how to successfully interact with alumni, please watch the brief “How to Network” video below.
How to Access the Network
- Visit the Alumni site and click the green Register / Sign In button at the top of the page.
- Select the "sign in now" with OneLink option.
- Use the Duke NetID login box to enter your credentials.
- Visit the Alumni Network Profile FAQs to learn how to opt in and get tips and troubleshooting help.
Resources Available
As a student, you have many opportunities to engage with alumni.
- Ask a Blue Devil is an online tool that allows students to ask questions or request advice and be matched to multiple alumni using AI technology. Often you are more likely to receive a response from an alum than through typical networking emails and it is ideal for busy students who have general questions (i.e., "How can I make myself competitive for a job in industry?", "How many publications do I need to be competitive in this employment field?").
- Visit the Department of Computer Science alumni group in the Duke Alumni site.
- On LinkedIn you can join the Duke CS Alumni Group and the larger Duke University Alumni Network group.
- Explore the variety of YouTube playlists by the Duke Career Center like Alumni Q&A, Exploring Careers, and Alumni Experts.
- Sign up to attend an alumni event like Karsh Conversations, a Duke Career Center talk, or a Duke Alumni Network event.
- Seek out or volunteer to be a mentor.