Independent Study

Students can pursue independent study in computer science with a faculty member for research or non-research projects in a field of special interest. Students need to meet with a faculty member to discuss a potential project and complete the independent study form during the first one and a half weeks of the semester, but earlier is recommended. Students meet weekly with the professor to work on their independent study project and they receive course credit for their work. Students should be willing to commit to about ten hours a week to work on the independent study.

For a computer science independent study, students must work with a faculty member with a primary or secondary appointment in computer science. Independent studies done with faculty members outside of the computer science department that are computer science related can be considered for DUS-approval to count as one of the two electives for the major that can be independent study.

For students who do a year of research including at least one independent study, they can apply for Graduation with Distinction.

Computer Science Independent Study

If a student is being supervised by a faculty member with a primary or secondary appointment in computer science, then they can complete the computer science independent study formIn filling out the form, be sure to write the numbers 1 through 4 and specify each one in the description.

For FALL 2025, all signed forms must be submitted to the DUS at by  September 3, 2025.

For non-research Independent Study:

  • The student must meet weekly with the professor supervising the project.

For research Independent Study:

  • The student must meet weekly with the professor supervising the project.
  • The student must write a substantial paper or written report containing significant analysis of their topic.

For students requesting a W with their Independent Study:

  • A W indicates this course is now a writing course, meaning that the student must complete weekly writing assignments that the professor assigns and provides feedback on, and then the student revises. The student will need to include a syllabus displaying the list of weekly writing assignments.
  • The professor must agree they are willing to give you weekly feedback on your writing assignments.
  • The student will need a signature from the DUS for the form, but the Trinity Course Committee will decide whether to approve this course as a writing course.

DUS approval for Non-CS Independent Study

For students doing Independent Study with a faculty member not associated with the computer science department, the student must first apply for an independent study in that faculty member’s department. Once the student has a course number for their independent study, if the course has a substantial computer science component, then the student can apply for consideration of DUS approval for the independent study to count as a computer science elective for the major, for one of the two courses that can be independent study.