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NSF and the Simons Foundation partnered to fund research through the Mathematical and Scientific Foundations of Deep Learning (MoDL) to understand and develop the theoretical foundations for deep learning networks. This $10 M multi-university, interdisciplinary project contains a Duke research award with investigators including Duke ECE, Computer Science, and Math Professor Guillermo Sapiro, Duke Computer Science and Math Associate Professor Rong Ge and James B. Duke… read more about NSF and the Simons Foundation partner to uncover foundations of Deep Learning and AI »

Duke Associate Professor of Computer Science, Biochemistry, and ECE Alberto Bartesaghi with Assistant Professor of Biology Gustavo Silva and coauthors recently published a study in the Proceedings of the US National Academy of Science (PNAS). Their paper focuses on research using high-resolution cryo-electron microscopy to understand new ways cells deal with environmental stress. read more about Alberto Bartesaghi and Gustavo Silva publish research study in PNAS »

Nicki Washington's new course explores diversity challenges in computer science and the effects that this lack of inclusion has on technology. Washington says, "We have to change the mindset of a workforce that is overwhelmingly white, Asian and male so that we all recognize that new perspectives lead to more innovation.” Undergrads, register until 11:59 PM EDT this Friday, Aug. 28 for COMPSCI 190. read more about Nicki Washington's New Course on Race, Gender, Class & Computing »

Duke Computer Science PhD candidate Hanrui Zhang will receive the best student paper award at the 28th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA) Sept. 7-9, 2020. A fourth-year PhD student, Zhang is advised by Professor Vincent Conitzer and his research area is Economics and Computation. Zhang's recent focus is on learning and decision making in complex environments in the presence of strategic behavior. Congratulations! read more about Hanrui Zhang to receive best student paper award at ESA 2020 »

Ideas are the lifeblood of universities, and Danyang Zhuo – new assistant professor in the Department of Computer Science at Duke – has a lot of ideas. Zhuo works in the area of systems and networking, the fundamental framework of our increasingly interconnected world. “My focus is on building efficient and reliable data center systems, like cloud operating systems, distributed computing frameworks, and data center-scale computer networks,” Zhuo says. It sounds… read more about Danyang Zhuo brings new ideas to Duke Computer Science »

The Data+, Code+, and CS+ undergraduate summer programs will hold an online expo to showcase student projects leveraging big data, mobile app and web development, and computer science on July 30 and 31. Over 50 student teams -- more than 180 students -- will participate. Join us as we celebrate the efforts and accomplishments of our students! read more about Data+, Code+ and CS+ Summer 2020 Expo »

Jun Yang has been named chair of Duke Computer Science, effective July 1, 2020. Yang, Bishop-MacDermott Family Professor at Duke, has been with the department since 2001 and served as associate chair from 2017-2020. Yang assumes the position from outgoing chair Pankaj Agarwal. In an email to faculty and staff, Yang thanked Agarwal for his service. “We will have more opportunities later to thank Pankaj for his visionary leadership and tireless service as chair in the… read more about Jun Yang named Chair of Duke Computer Science »

Duke Computer Science students and professors presented nine (9) research papers at the ICML 2020 37th International Conference on Machine Learning July 12-18. Duke had an overall combined total of 22 paper presentations. A prestigious machine learning conference, this year ICML was virtual. Duke Computer Science Research Papers at ICML 2020 Bandits for BMO Functions - Tianyu Wang (Duke), Cynthia Rudin (Duke) Customizing ML Predictions for… read more about Duke Computer Science at ICML 2020 »

By Glenn McDonald For more than 40 years now, Duke Computer Science has been known as a place where people can get things done. The department has a celebrated tradition of generating projects, initiatives and startup companies that spin up and out from campus, bringing critical solutions into the larger world. Duke Computer Science associate professor Ashwin Machanavajjhala is piloting one of these startups just now. Tumult Labs is an… read more about Research, Startups and Event Horizons »

Duke Computer Science Professor Alvin Lebeck is the recipient of the 2020 Alan D. Berenbaum Distinguished Service Award for creating, curating, and architecting the Computer Architecture Today blog, which transformed how the computer architecture community connects and communicates. This annual award is given by ACM SIGARCH to recognize an individual who has contributed important service to the computer architecture community. Congratulations! read more about Alvin Lebeck Wins the 2020 SIGARCH Berenbaum Award »

Duke Professor of the Practice in Computer Science Susan Rodger won the 2020 Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award from the National Center for Women and IT. A competitive award recognizing a senior faculty member's outstanding mentorship, efforts to encourage undergraduates in computing-related fields and to advance women and minority students at a PhD granting research institution, it is a great honor for Dr. Rodger to be selected for the NCWIT URM award. Congratulations! read more about Susan Rodger Wins the NCWIT 2020 Undergraduate Research Mentoring Award »

Congratulations to all recipients of the 2020 undergraduate student awards! Alex Vasilos Memorial Award  Friends and colleagues of the late Alex Vasilos donated the Alex Vasilos Memorial Award to the Department of Computer Science to recognize graduating seniors in computer science for excellence in computer science research. This year's recipients: Sachit Menon Caroline Linjun Wang DeNardis Memorial Award  Family, friends… read more about Undergraduate Awards 2020 »

Since our 2020 Commencement is postponed because of ongoing uncertainties surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic, Duke CS is recognizing the Class of 2020 with faculty and student videos + messages to mark the moment of graduation from Duke. We're proud of our students and their accomplishments. Congratulations to all! Pankaj Agarwal Department Chair Jun Yang Associate Chair Jeff Chase Director of Graduate Studies… read more about Duke Computer Science Celebrates the Class of 2020 »

Duke Computer Science professors Kartik NayakAshwin Machanavajjhala, and Jun Yang are collaborating with Lavanya Vasudevan from Duke FMCH in an NSF-funded COVID-19 exposure detection project, Poirot. A privacy-preserving system that uses smartphones to detect contact with potentially infectious individuals, Poirot also provides users with proactive alerts, a personalized assessment, and the ability to add retroactive information… read more about Kartik Nayak, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Jun Yang and Lavanya Vasudevan receive an NSF award for COVID-19 exposure detection project »

Bruce Donald's research paper in the Journal of Computational Chemistry is among the top 10% most downloaded papers! "OSPREY 3.0: Open‐source protein redesign for you", a collaborative effort with 13 Duke students and postdocs whom Donald advised, including  4 undergrads, received some of the most downloads in the 12 months following online publication. Congratulations! read more about Bruce Donald's research paper in the Journal of Computational Chemistry is one of the top downloaded articles »

Duke Computer Science and Engineering students joined together to create their own internships, as consequences from the coronavirus pandemic led many companies to cancel their plans for interns. The new Project Phoenix program teams up technology-minded Duke students to work remotely on business, governmental and academic projects over the summer. read more about Hundreds of Duke students have lost internships. Now they’re creating their own. »

Duke Computer Science professors accommodate students over multiple time zones as classes transition online. Reinventing education and teaching worldwide classes, Vincent Conitzer and Owen Astrachan support students through an unimaginably disruptive time with a focus on preparing resilient leaders of tomorrow. read more about Duke students, professors scattered around the world work across time zones »

Phitonex, Inc., a startup co-founded by Duke Computer Science Professor Alvin Lebeck, has pushed flow cytometry to the upper limit of what is currently possible and announced the first data set showing 40 colors measured simultaneously on single cells in an experiment. The timing is critical, as these developers of next-gen fluorescent labels for biomarker detection collaborate in the fight against diseases like COVID-19 to understand the immune response. Congratulations! read more about Duke Comp Sci Startup Phitonex Pushes the Envelope of Immunology Research »

Duke students developed an app to trace contacts of coronavirus patients and help stop the spread. Shehzan Maredia, computer science/math major + developer and junior Alyssa Nicholas, who's marketing ContainIt say "With this app, you can help other people in your community stay informed." read more about Duke students develop an app that can trace contacts of coronavirus patients »

Duke Computer Science Associate Professor Alberto Bartesaghi and colleagues Tamir Bendory of Tel Aviv University and Princeton University's Amit Singer published an article "Single-Particle Cryo-Electron Microscopy: Mathematical Theory, Computational Challenges, and Opportunities" in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine that is featured on the cover page. Congratulations! read more about Alberto Bartesaghi and colleagues publish article in the IEEE Signal Processing Magazine »

Duke's Computer Science and Linguistics departments have joined forces to create a new interdepartmental major. Students can choose one of two defined pathways, focusing on cognitive neurolinguistics or sociolinguistics, preparing for future careers in a wide variety of fields. This new major is one of only three such programs in the U.S. read more about Duke CS+Linguistics Major Opens New Pathways »

Distinguished from research proposals originating in 26 countries and more than 100 universities worldwide, Lisa Wu Wills' project "Accelerating and Deploying Natural Language Processing Systems in Data Centers" placed Duke in the top 10 Facebook award winners for most prestigious universities for architecture and systems research. Wills plans to explore how accelerated NLP systems can help with drug discovery and more. read more about Lisa Wu Wills, Duke's Clare Boothe Luce Assistant Professor of CS/ECE selected for the Systems for ML Facebook Research Award »