Undergraduate Awards Presented 2018

2018 UG awards

Congratulations to recipients of the 2018 undergraduate student awards which were presented at commencement ceremonies on May 13.   

Alex Vasilos Memorial Award 

Friends and colleagues of the late Alex Vasilos donated the Alex Vasilos Memorial Award to the Department of Computer Science to recognize deserving students. This year's recipients:

Harrison Graham Lundberg - For outstanding research contributions in database for an inter-query contention analyzer for cluster computing frameworks, and for excellence in the classroom.

Weiyao Wang - For first-rate research contributions in algorithms for variance reduction in non-convex optimization, for graduating with highest distinction, and for intellectual curiosity in the classroom.

Jie (Amy) Yang - For stellar contributions in secure/reliable distributed systems with no central point of trust, for graduating with highest distinction, and for highest quality in the classroom.

DeNardis Memorial Award

Family, friends and colleagues of the late Rebecca DeNardis donated the Rebecca DeNardis Memorial Award to the Department of Computer Science to recognize deserving students for creating and instilling a sense of purpose and excellence.

Ademola Olukayode Olayinka

For his excellence for departmental leadership and as an undergraduate teaching assistant for multiple courses, including leadership in the support of large courses, his clear explanations and devotion to students, and for inspiring others to achieve by transitioning future leadership.

Robert Hays Steilberg, II

For outstanding academic curiosity and excellence, for distinction as an undergraduate teaching assistant for multiple courses including the design and delivery of a course, and for leadership in technology projects to improve the quality of health care in Central America.

Graduation with Distinction

Graduation with Distinction is awarded to students who complete a substantial project that consists of at least one year’s work, including an independent study under the guidance of a faculty member. The project represents a significant intellectual endeavor and requires a presentation made to a committee of three faculty members.

Graduation with Highest Distinction

Erin Taylor
Advisor: Pankaj K. Agarwal
Subtrajectory Clustering

Weiyao Wang
Advisor: Rong Ge
SVRG Escapes Saddle Points

Jie (Amy) Yang
Advisor: Jeffrey Chase
A Scalable Cryptocurrency Based on A Byzantine-Safe Key-Value Store

Haofeng (Fred) Zhang
Advisor: Debmalya Panigrahi
Primal-dual Analysis of Competitive Page Algorithms

Wuming Zhang
Advisor: Kris Hauser
Single-Image Footstep Prediction for Versatile Legged Locomotion

Graduation with High Distinction

Robert Frank Martorano II
Advisor: Xiaobai Sun
Semantic Term “Blurring” and Stochastic “Barcoding” for Improved Text Classification

Timothy Mu
Advisor: Jeffrey Chase
Recovery in Casba, a Leaderless Replicated Key-value Store

Ashwin Ramachandran
Advisor: Bruce Maggs
An Improved Decentralized Autonomous Organization Venture and Governance Model

David Yan
Advisor: Xiaobai Sun
Exploiting Semantic Word Relationships for Improved Unsupervised Academic Document Classification

Graduation with Distinction

Jihane Bettahi
Advisor: Robert Duvall
Ontology-Based Curriculum Sequencing for Learning Path Generation


Duke Computer Science students who graduated with undergraduate awards and distinction: