Jeff Forbes Awarded Grant to Develop Computer Science Degree and Career Paths for Minority Students

Jeff Forbes

Jeff Forbes, Associate Professor of the Practice of Computer Science was recently awarded a substantial grant through a partnership with Siegel Family Endowment.

The grant funds a project originating in an October 2018 ACM report, "Lighting the Path: From Community College to Computing Careers.” Forbes led the development of this report, and he also chaired the ACM Education Policy Committee.

Findings from the ACM report will be converted into actionable recommendations that will be shared and promoted to the broader higher learning community. “We’re excited by this opportunity to shift preconceived notions about success, and to break down barriers to entry that keep so many students from achieving their full potential,” said Jessica Traynor, Executive Director and President of Siegel Family Endowment.

Specifically, Forbes plans to work on developing effective pathways to computer science degrees and careers, with a focus on underrepresented minority students, saying “There is a tremendous opportunity here. Especially for an industry looking to add more diversity to its workforce, community colleges are an excellent source for recruitment.”

Congratulations to Jeff Forbes!