Rong Ge

Ge Joins Faculty

Rong Ge

CS is delighted to welcome Rong Ge as an assistant professor. Ge comes to us from Microsoft Research New England, where he was a postdoctoral researcher for two years. Ge received his Ph.D. degree from Princeton University.

Ge's research focuses on the design and analysis of algorithms, especially for machine learning problems. Many machine learning problems are hard in the worst case, but are solved efficiently in practice. The key thread running through Ge's work is to identify natural properties of "real-life" instances that allow scalable algorithms for a host of well-known machine learning problems. Ge is also interested in interacting with researchers in other areas and applying algorithmic ideas to their problems.

Ge is teaching a topics course, "Algorithmic Aspects of Machine Learning," this semester. This course covers many recent developments in designing algorithms with provable guarantees for machine learning problems. In the future he looks forward to teaching other courses in algorithms and theoretical computer science.