Please use to submit all receipts and related spending information to your admin staff member. has been set up to automate one of the most labor intensive aspects of processing your spending. Your exclusive use of this email for spending needs will make a huge difference to your admin staff member’s efficiency, effectiveness and happiness.
Can I email photos of meal, taxi, etc, receipts?
YES, PLEASE! If you’ve written any details (e.g. funding source, meal participants/relationship to Duke, etc) on the other side be sure to take pictures of both sides. Auditors must be able to easily read the date, time, vendor and amount. For meals, we must, must, must have itemized receipts! Send them to Hang onto the receipts for a while; if they are not sufficiently legible we will need to collect them from you.
How else can I help my staff person?
Send receipts and related info to early and often. Deliver as much through email as is possible and convenient for you. Keep it simple - send only related items in a single email msg, and limit the content to spending info only. Use the subject line – conference acronym, trip name, or “Non-Travel” are great things to put in the subject line.
What about my students’ out-of-pocket spending?
Send your students to Alison Hriciga to talk about the best way to minimize their out-of-pocket travel and other reimbursable expenses.
Who will process my receipts?
Your regular admin support staff person.
When my admin staff person replies to my spending emails, what address will the reply be from?
When your staff person has questions about a receipt their reply message will be from This way the whole thread can be automatically handled by the filters set up on
What if I forget and send the receipts to the individual email address of my staff person?
No worries. Your staff person will respond by asking you to resend to uses the sender’s email to determine to which folder to segregate the message, so we can’t just forward your email to on your behalf. We also hope that this will help you form the new habit of sending your receipts and spending info to
What if I am sending my receipts from a non-Duke email account or use more than one email account from which to send spending info?
No worries. Your message will get through to the inbox of and we’ll hand sort it the first time, then we’ll add as many email addresses as you use to your profile so that the program can recognize it as being from you thereafter.